What if

Asobele Dare
2 min readJan 3, 2018


What if you stopped being proud ?

What if you finally expressed those feelings?

What if you finally accepted your wrongs and decided to be better for good ?

What if we get married and can’t have kids ?

What if we wasted all those years being together ?

What if it does not work out ?

What if we become poor ?

What if we die ?

What if we never achieve what we hoped we would reach for ?

What if I never genuinely loved you ?

What if you can’t sleep without thinking about me ?

What if you never read this ?

What if you never find love ?

What if we never tried to make it work ?

What if you never got angry and let love take over ?

What if you find out you made a Big mistake and you never could fix ?

What if it is too late ?

Tomorrow is not promised and nothing is ever guaranteed,

We can make plans but life has it’s own plans

Many of us are religious which is good.

But what ifs and what not,

You still have to try to get what you want.

It is most important that we do not lose ourselves while striving for what we want.

Accept your mistakes,

Learn from them,

Move on,

Be Better.

Strife for everything and anything you want.

Remember those who built you and stood by you,

not everyone would be happy for you

Always remember humble beginnings.

Spread love and happiness

Never ever be fake.



Asobele Dare

Believe in God and Yourself and always know that You are Unstoppable